Jessi Marlow


Jessi Marlow is a Seattle-based director, actor, and singer. She holds a BFA in Acting and Directing and a minor in English Literature from Pacific Lutheran University, with training in Fitzmaurice Voicework, Stanislavski Acting Techniques, and most recently, mezzo voice by Marlette Buchanan.

Offstage, Jessi takes pleasure in traveling (she’s checked 35 out of 50 states off of her list), hiking, over-caffeinating, and reading autobiographies/memiors of strong, independent women. A recent favorite is Who Thought This Was a Good Idea? And Other Questions You Should Have Answers to When You Work in the White House by Alyssa Mastromonaco and Lauren Oyler.

Jessi is currently stage managing Row Yer Boat, a new work at Annex Theatre. She is also a founding member of Crackfics Live!, a comedy sketch group performing out of the Pocket Theater. Stay tuned for upcoming performance dates!